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Phototactic behavior: Attractive effects of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), tobacco cutworm, to high-power light-emitting diodes


Phototactic responses of Spodoptera litura adults to high-power light-emitting diodes (HPLEDs) were investigated at four different wavelengths, various light intensities, and light-exposure times under laboratory conditions. All light sources were significantly attractive to S. litura adults at 40 lx light intensity and 60 min light-exposure time; thus they were established as the optimal conditions. When the attraction rate of S. litura adults was surveyed at the optimal conditions, the green HPLED (520±5 nm) exhibited the highest potential attraction rate (64.3%), followed by the blue HPLED (470±10 nm, 47.7%), the yellow HPLED (590±5 nm, 33.3%), and the red HPLED (625±10 nm). Compared to fluorescent light, which was used as a positive control (380–800 nm, 50.0%), the green HPLED was approximately 1.3 times more effective at attracting S. litura adults. In conclusion, use of the green HPLED (520±5 nm) was the most suitable for attraction of S. litura adults under optimal conditions.


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Yang, JY., Kim, MG. & Lee, HS. Phototactic behavior: Attractive effects of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), tobacco cutworm, to high-power light-emitting diodes. J Korean Soc Appl Biol Chem 55, 809–811 (2012).

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