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Biotransformation of 6-deoxo type brassinosteroids in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) WAT21 cells


We recently demonstrated that non-plant cells, yeast WAT21, produce a steroidal plant hormone, castasterone. To understand how castasterone is generated in WAT21 cells, deuteriumlabeled (26, 28-2H6) 6-deoxoteasterone, 6-deoxotyphasterol and 6-deoxocastasterone were fed to WAT21 cells, and their metabolites were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. When [2H6]-6-deoxoteasterone was fed, [2H6]-6-deoxo-3-dehydroteasterone and [2H6]-6-deoxotyphasterol were identified as metabolites. When [2H6]-6-deoxotyphasterol was used, [2H6]-6-deoxoteasterone and [2H6]-6-deoxo-3-dehydroteasterone and [2H6]-6-deoxocastasterone were detected. When [2H6]-6-deoxocastasterone was added, [2H6]-castasterone was identified. Taken together, a biosynthetic sequence, 6-deoxoteasterone↔6-deoxo-3-dehydroteasterone↔6-deoxotyphasterol→6-deoxocastasterone→castasterone seems to function to produce brassinosteroids in WAT21 cells. Coupled with the presence of a biosynthetic sequence, teasterone→3-dehydroteasterone↔typhasterol →castasterone, this suggests that brassinosteroids in WAT21 cells were biosynthesized via the same kind of pathways established in plants. This study provides a clue for possible mass-production of brassinosteroids in non-plant cells, yeast WAT21 for commercial use in agriculture.


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Son, SH., Kim, MK. & Kim, SK. Biotransformation of 6-deoxo type brassinosteroids in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) WAT21 cells. J Korean Soc Appl Biol Chem 55, 363–366 (2012).

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