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Bacterial biotransformation of phenylpropanoid compounds for producing flavor and fragrance compounds


Phenylpropanoids are common aromatic compounds synthesized by plants that are often used as starting compounds for the production of various flavor and fragrance compounds. The use of bacterial metabolism as a means to produce valueadded compounds from natural resources has been given much attention as an alternative method to replace conventional chemical syntheses. This review describes bacterial metabolisms of the phenylpropanoid compounds trans-anethole, isoeugenol, and isosafrole to better understand efficient production of natural fragrance and other value-added compounds.


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Han, D., Ryu, JY., Lee, H. et al. Bacterial biotransformation of phenylpropanoid compounds for producing flavor and fragrance compounds. J Korean Soc Appl Biol Chem 56, 125–133 (2013).

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