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Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of Schiff base analogues of 4-aminoantipyrine


Schiff base is the class of compounds showing wide range of biological activities having the azomethine (-N=CH-) active pharmacophore, which play major roles in their significant bio-activities. A series of Schiff base analogues of 4-aminoantipyrine analogues have been tested for bactericidal and cytotoxic activities against selected bacterial strains and brine shrimp (Artemia salina) nauplii, respectively. Of the compounds tested, two compounds showed a good inhibition of bacterial growth against E. coli and C. sakazakii, whereas three compounds demonstrated high cytotoxicity with LC50 values of 225, 480, and 581 ppm, in a short term bioassay using A. salina. Qualitative structure-cytotoxic activity relationships were studied using physicochemical parameters; a good correlation between clogP and cytotoxic activity was observed.


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Alam, M.S., Lee, DU. & Bari, M.L. Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of Schiff base analogues of 4-aminoantipyrine. J Korean Soc Appl Biol Chem 57, 613–619 (2014).

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