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Table 1 Examples of basic in vitro and in vivo assays using Matrigel

From: Matrigel uses in cell biology and for the identification of thymosin β4, a mediator of tissue regeneration


Main uses

In vitro assays

Invasion assay

Identify invasive cells, select for invasive cells, test therapeutics, identify genes important in invasion

Tumor spheroid

Provides models for testing therapeutics and identifying genes affecting tumor growth

Dormancy assay

Determine dormant state of cells and factors regulating dormancy

Tube assay

Endothelial cells on Matrigel to quantitative factors/genes important in angiogenesis and to identify endothelial precursor cells


Study development, test factors regulating development, stem cell differentiation

Aortic ring

Test factors and genes regulating angiogenesis (ex vivo assay)

In vivo assays


Cell and patient-derived xenografts, increased take and growth, allows for models of human cancers to be studied for therapeutics in rodents


Subcutaneous Matrigel for testing angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors


Angiogenesis assay inside a plastic tube