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Fig. 9 | Applied Biological Chemistry

Fig. 9

From: Detoxifying and antioxidant effect of ellagic acid nano particles in rats intoxicated with sodium nitrites

Fig. 9

Photomicrograph of liver stained with hematoxylin and eosin.(CN1), control group, liver showing average portal tract (red arrow), average central vein (blackarrow) surrounded by average hepatocytes (blue arrow) (H&E X 200) and (CN2) with high power view showing average central vein (CV), surrounded by average hepatocytes arranged in single-cell cords (red arrow) with average intervening blood sinusoids (black arrow) (H&E X 400). (NaNO3 1) group, liver showing markedly dilated central vein (CV) with hepatocytes showing mild steatosis (red arrow) (H&E X 200), also (NaNO3 2) showed dilated portal vein (PV) with hepatocytes showing mild to moderate steatosis (red arrows) (H&E X 200). (Nano ELL. 1) rats treated with EANP@ CS during drinking nitrites, liver showed markedly dilated central vein (CV) with hepatocytes showing marked steatosis (red arrows) (H&E X 200), also, another view of liver of rat treated with EANP@CS after stopping nitrites showed dilated portal vein (PV) with hepatocytes and mild steatosis in peri-portal area (red arrows) (H&E X 200) (Nano ELL.2)

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