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Table 5 Total polyphenol contents and antioxidant effects of RG extract and BRG extract

From: Optimal bioconversion for compound K production from red ginseng root (C.A. Mayer) by sequential enzymatic hydrolysis and its characteristics


Total polyphenol (µg/g)

DPPH (%)

ABTS (%)


117.13 ± 1.00b*

81.43 ± 0.53b

34.53 ± 0.85b


153.02 ± 0.67a

87.67 ± 1.11a

37.72 ± 0.93a

  1. RG; freeze-dried red ginseng extract
  2. BRG; freeze-dried red ginseng extract treated with multiple enzymes by optimal method
  3. Data are expressed as mean ± SD
  4. * Different superscript letters in the same column mean significantly different at p < 0.05 by Duncan’s multiple range test