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Fig. 4 | Applied Biological Chemistry

Fig. 4

From: Comparative analysis of anti-obesity effects of green, fermented, and γ-aminobutyric acid teas in a high-fat diet-induced mouse model

Fig. 4

Function tea extracts effectively reduce liver fat accumulation from a high-fat diet. A Images display H&E and ORO-stained liver sections from ND, HFD, GT, FT, and GBT groups. The H&E stain reveals cellular structure, while ORO specifically highlights lipid droplets characteristic of fatty liver or steatosis. B The accompanying bar graph quantifies lipid droplet size in these groups based on ORO staining intensity, showcasing the varying degrees of lipid accumulation with statistical differences marked by letters. This suggests the effectiveness of GT, FT, and GBT extracts in reducing liver fat accumulation induced by a high-fat diet. ND normal diet, HFD high-fat diet, GT green tea, FT fermented tea, GBT GABA tea, GABA γ-aminobutyric acid, H&E Hematoxylin and Eosin, ORO Oil red O staining

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