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Fig. 7 | Applied Biological Chemistry

Fig. 7

From: Comparative analysis of anti-obesity effects of green, fermented, and γ-aminobutyric acid teas in a high-fat diet-induced mouse model

Fig. 7

Comparative effects of GT, FT, and GBT supplementation on high-fat diet-induced obesity mouse model. This schematic diagram depicts the results from a 13-week study on the influence of GT, FT, or GBT on metabolic health indicators in an obesity model induced by a high-fat diet. While the ND group shows a normal metabolic state, mice on the HFD exhibit significant metabolic disruptions, including increased body weight, insulin, leptin, glucose, and cholesterol levels. Supplementation with GT, FT, or GBT leads to an observable shift towards metabolic equilibrium, marked by reduced body weight and lower levels of insulin, leptin, glucose, and cholesterol, highlighting the potential of these tea supplements in counteracting obesity-related metabolic imbalances. ND normal diet, HFD high-fat diet, GT green tea, FT fermented tea, GBT GABA tea, GABA γ-aminobutyric acid

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