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Effects of chlorine concentrations and washing conditions on the reduction of microbiological contamination in lettuce


We established optimum washing and sanitizing conditions for fresh-cut lettuce using sodium hypochlorite to reduce microbial hazards. Reduction of microbial hazards, including total aerobic bacteria, Escherichoa coli, and Staphylococcus aureus at different sodium hypochlorite concentrations (0-500 ppm), immersion times (0–20min), temperatures (0–30°C), and washing times (0–4 min) was evaluated. The optimum washing and sanitizing conditions using sodium hypochlorite for lettuce were determined as immersion at more than 50 ppm for 1min at 20°oC and washing twice for 30 sec after dipping. Application of these optimum conditions will improve safety and added value of lettuce as a fresh-cut-food without detrimental effects on sensory characteristics.



colony-forming unit

E. coli:

Escherichoa coli

S. aureus:

Staphylococcus aureus


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Lee, YS., Jo, SH., Cho, SD. et al. Effects of chlorine concentrations and washing conditions on the reduction of microbiological contamination in lettuce. J. Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 52, 270–274 (2009).

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